Possibly double your contribution to RooFriends through your company match program!!

This is a great way to double your contribution to the RooFriends, without it costing you anything. It’s free money. All you have to do is ask for it.

Will your Company Match Your Donation

Many companies have a “matching” program where they will match some portion of their employee’s contributions to special or non-profit organizations such as the RooFriends. An example might be that the company will give 50% of what the employee has contributed, up to a maximum of $2000. So if the employee gives $1000, the company will give $500, for a total of $1500 to RooFriends.

Companies may also provide “volunteer grants” where the company will make a donation to an organization where their employee spends time volunteering.

Other programs exist, but may not be as good. For example, a charitable giving program typically automatically deducts a selected amount of money from employee’s paychecks and sends the contribution to the organization. It may not necessarily include any matching contribution from the employer.




If your company is not available in the list above, please contact your company to see if they have a corporate match program for charitable contributions. Once again, we thank you and your firm for your partnership in our community.