Thank you for contributing to the Friends of Roosevelt Foundation today! Your tax deductible donation helps fund 15+ student enrichment programs. We hope that every Roosevelt family can make a contribution of at least $20, but we ask that you give what is meaningful for your family.

Every dollar helps to ensure that every student receives the best education possible and is inspired to reach their fullest potential. Click on “Donate” to make an online donation.

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OR: write a check (or money order) to the Friends of Roosevelt Middle School.

Please mail to:

Friends of Roosevelt
PO Box 33192, San Diego, 92103

Be aware:

Many companies provide Employer Matching Programs to their employees. Click on the icon below to see what your employer will do for you and RooFriends:

Will your Company Match Your Donation

If your company is not available in the list above, please contact your company to see if they have a corporate match program for charitable contributions. Once again, we thank you and your firm for your partnership in our community.

Friends of Roosevelt Middle School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity, tax ID# is 38-3933254.